Thursday, 7 January 2010

I'd like to go into hibernation now the snows here Brrrr!

So the Christmas cakes are eaten and the decorations are packed away for another year.
Well nearly all packed away, I've kept a few all year round ones. Like our reindeer. I thought with all the sow she'd feel right at home still looking out at it all. And Mr squirrel is all warm and toastie inside. Thanks Tracy, Ben loves him and it made him laugh when i gave him as a present. He'd seen them on your blog. And thought how cute they are.
Visit Cupcakes at home for more of Tracy's fabulous items.

A home can never have enough toadstool's i say. I plan to paint the little wooden one, but it won't be for sale though sorry ladies. It's just to nice and i got it before we went to the farm last year, from Butterfly world.

I've kept my red bunting up in the conservatory, it makes me smile but there's been no working out there it's so cold it would freeze the brass monkey's off LOL
Our Christmas tree still looks pretty a fair few less needles than when Mr cupcakes bought it home but it's full of snow now and looks a picture. We'll compost it up the lottie later when the weather gets better (if it gets better sigh!).

Molly's school is closed today and it's Daisy's day off from playgroup, so this means lots of indoor activity's planed for the day.

The tub of felts come out and thank you letters are being drawn and written.

While the snow carries on falling outside we're all snug and toastie. Keeping busy. I think some well earned films later on and hot chocolates and biscuits too.
I'll leave you with a couple of snowier photo's, this is what we can see from our bedroom window.
And this one from across the road. The graveyard looks like a picture postcard and ever so less spooky than before.

Stay safe and warm everyone, don't go out if you don't have to and if you do wrap up warm, take a flask of something hot and pack a blanket in the car.
With love,


Pink Feather Paradise said...

Ooooh I know I had better light the fire as its starting to get colder as the sun sets.... my 2 are off school and I can't get danny to pre-school even if it were open as Mr P has the car... his isn't good in the ice... I have snowflake clings on my front window and I cannot bear to peel them off yet.. they look so pretty...but the tree is down and the tinsel gone... its all looking a little bare... I feel the need to crochet some heart garlands ready for valentines... ;D

take care

Just Original said...

Hi Catherine,

Hope you & yours are ok? It looks like you had a good Christmas!

We took down our decorations on Sunday and it looks so bare! I was trying to decide wether or not to keep any all year decorations up, but I decided not as it meant I could go out and buy some more!

I am still at Blyth by the way!

Vanessa x