Sunday, 2 January 2011

Happy new year everyone...

Well am i glad to see the back of that year. It had some of the most amazing highs but then the worst lows ever.
So I'm saying thanks for the good times and a big F**k you to all the bad ones, see you and jog on!
Let 2011 begin.
I'm going to work very hard to look like this by the end of this year. Lots of yoga and better eating for me.

I'll also be getting one of these on my arm somewhere with the word Strength. Because this word means a lot to me. I've had to have loads of it in my life and pulled so much strength out of no where last year. And made it through.

This is one of the highs from last year, featured in the Dec issue of Country Living mag woo hoo!
Big smiles here in the cupcake house and fingers crossed for this year. Hoping to be in Good Housekeeping :) April issue.
Even though I've not been around very much towards the end of last year, I'll leave you with this saying below....
See you all very soon.
Love x