It all turned out to be a fabulous day and one i hope Molly remembers forever, because i know i will. And we have next years trip back there again to look forward too. A very big thank you to all the staff at Meadows playgroup, Ben and i couldn't ask for a more wonderful place to send our cupcakes. I know Daisy's looking forward to coming back in Sept. So see you soon, enjoy your break.
This Saturday saw me off to the Luddesdown open day and before we set off to it, i popped out in to our no longer our garden and snapped a couple of photos of Daisy's wild flowers, thankfully they are in a pot and can come with us. Aren't they beautiful.
And Molly's sweet peas are growing like crazy, climbing up the twisty willow sticks and smelling fabulous. I just didn't want to miss out on sharing them with you all. My little green fingered cupcakes are very proud of their flowers. And will continue to grow them in our new house, up the road. Yes we found one sigh! from me and a big yeay from us all. Thank you for all the support and love you've all given us over the last few weeks, it means so very much. And all those fingers, toes, legs and about anything that can be crossed has paid off. I will blog all about it very soon.
Here I am on the stall, and yes that is a huge piece of carrot cake in my hand lol i had to keep my strenght up. What with all that smiling and selling i was doing hehe! it was a lovely afternoon, lots of lovely friendly people and some friends that i knew popped in as well. I also had my 2 very best helpers, Jade and little Granny, but they where off on a tractor ride when Ben took this. And yes I will be seeing about getting Granny a apron made up lol with Granny Cupcake on it. A fab idea from the lovely Jane at Summer Blue that idea made little Granny smile.
Monday, 27 July 2009
Catch up part one
Rochester's Cherry Picnic in the Vines park where Ben asked me to marry him a second time, so a very dear place to me and him. We enjoyed some yummy food and cakes, followed by freshly picked cherry's and cherry ice-creams.
Jade sat with me and Ben while the cupcakes ran around with friends and played chase. It was so lovely to see lots of family's coming together and enjoying just the simple things in life. And the weather was glorious. Looking forward to next years. Maybe I'll do a stall and make some cherry themed items Hmmm! now my brains ticking with ideas lol
Miss Molly's leaving presentation and lunch 20/07/2009 end of playgroup for our little cupcake. Sad but exciting time for her.
She ran back with a book of all her achievement's and cute photo.
My very proud cupcake indeed. Well done beautiful girl it is one more step along the road of life. Love you x
The first week of the long Summer hols has been a very full one, Jade has been with us for all of it and is now back with her Dad and off to Greece next week. Have a lovely time honey, missing you already. On the Friday we went off the Joss Bay Broadstairs with the playgroup, it's a yearly trip and the coach was full. We left the rain behind us and arrived to lovely hot sunshine
Wind breakers, beach tents and umbrellas where put up. and lots of chatting, eating and digging took place lol
It was even warm enough for some paddling and pebble throwing.
But then him upstairs huffed and puffed this big black meany over the top of us all and it turned into a crazy dash back to the towels and cuddle under umbrellas, toy tents, wind breakers lol (which didn't do anything for keeping you dry) and those half seaside tents. They seemed to work the best for keeping the rain off, one Daddy started off with just his own 2 children and every time i turned to look if the clouds where moving away he seemed to have more and more children under it with him lol lol a bit like the pied piper hehe!
Anyway looking up and realising that it was in for the long run, we all made a dash to the shop and then back to the coach, most of us bare footed or only in swimming cosies lol
Once in the warm and dry, sand removed from almost everything but a little damp to say the least, we watched with happiness as the rain rolled on out to sea, yeay!
And it was back out onto the beach for chips, coffee (for me wink wink) and lots more playing in the sand. Oh and some over due chasing of the sea gulls, who i have to say are very cheeky in this part of the coast. They think nothing of poking their beaks into your bags or flying down and nicking chips right out of your fingers. Some screaming and flapping from Daisy and her best pal Erik, soon stopped them. (well for a little while).
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Just can't keep up!
Featured in the Summer issue of Medway Mama. And off to the .....

...Luddesdown open day today, Mollycupcakes will be there. Come along for a fun time and pick up some lovely meat, veg and gifts. 2pm onwards. Hope to see you there. X
Sorry for the lack of posts and non photos of our farm holiday but there is some fab news on the house front. and we've just been so busy with breaking up for Summer hols and leaving doe's and orders. I really will have the longest post next time, with photos galore.
Many thanks to everyone that pops in and leaves me comments. You are all so wonderful and make life a little easier to cope with.
Love and cupcake filled hugs,
Friday, 17 July 2009
Growing up so fast, too fast :(
Today is Molly's last day at her playgroup, i never thought this day would come so fast but here it is. And she will be off to big girl school in Sept, with some of her friends.
Yesterday i helped out at the Summer fair at Meadows playgroup and i could really see how much older she had gotten in the last 8 months. Going off with her friends, paying for her own things and looking so very tall and beautiful.
With a heavy heart i will drop her off on her first at school and watch the little cupcake go free in to the big wide world of primary school. I knew this day would come but did it have to come so soon? It seems like only yesterday she was this little bundle of smiles and wanted only a fresh clean bum, Mummies milk and lots of cuddles and kisses. Mind you that part is still the same. Molly is so loving and loves nothing more than snuggles on the sofa and big kisses everyday.
There is a leaving party on Monday, so I'll take my camera and lots of tissues. And for all you other Mummies in the same boat and with the same feelings, here is a big cyber HUG just for you x
Have a lovely weekend everyone and I'll post some of our holiday snaps next week. times not been on my side, as it's been running away from me again. And house hunting is so very consuming. Happy summer hols.
And to my 2 winners of the 2nd year giveaway, they'll be off to you next week. And Lisa at Bobo Bun, I'm nearly there with yours honey. Head is well and truly hung low lol x
Cupcake wishes,
Yesterday i helped out at the Summer fair at Meadows playgroup and i could really see how much older she had gotten in the last 8 months. Going off with her friends, paying for her own things and looking so very tall and beautiful.
Next year will be the turn of Daisy, as she to will join Molly at school (sigh!) I will have to work on finding a tiny shop to open to keep me busy and turn Mollycupcakes into something for the cupcakes future.
Have a lovely weekend everyone and I'll post some of our holiday snaps next week. times not been on my side, as it's been running away from me again. And house hunting is so very consuming. Happy summer hols.
And to my 2 winners of the 2nd year giveaway, they'll be off to you next week. And Lisa at Bobo Bun, I'm nearly there with yours honey. Head is well and truly hung low lol x
Cupcake wishes,

Wednesday, 15 July 2009
By jove she's got it! yeay!!!
Well done Steph from MadMummy you got it right. Caramel Latte is my favourite coffee, i even have one next to me right now lol
Sorry to everyone else that didn't win and thank you for playing along with my silly question.

Sorry to everyone else that didn't win and thank you for playing along with my silly question.

The bundle of fairy fabric, bag of coloured strings and something from me, will be off in the post tomorrow honey.
Much love,
Sunday, 12 July 2009
We're back from our break and are ready for anything...
...but more about that in the next post.

Drum roll please drrrrrr! drrrrrrrrr!
Here is a little hint on the coffee question, don't forget if you guess my favourite you're win the fairy fabric and bag of strings. Someone nearly got it but not quite right. Good luck ladies x
Some of you are soooo close to the right answer lol but it has to spot on. Oh i know I'm a meany lol there can only be 1 winner. Sorry ladies.
Some of you have so very nearly got it right lol it really is easy just 2 words in it. And so yummy, i have to have one every day. My new coffee coaster says, "drink coffee and do more stupid things faster" well that is me! LOL

Drum roll please drrrrrr! drrrrrrrrr!
And out of the policeman's hat come....
...the 2 winners of my second year bloggy-versary the lovely Lissy Lou and Dolly Dollop. Well done ladies, now please just drop me a email with your address details and I'll pop a little something in the post.
...the 2 winners of my second year bloggy-versary the lovely Lissy Lou and Dolly Dollop. Well done ladies, now please just drop me a email with your address details and I'll pop a little something in the post.
Sunday, 5 July 2009
R & R

After having a bit of a sort out in my studio cupboard, i came across this little bundle of Laura Ashley fairy fabric, it's in all sizes and there are 4 pieces of it. As well as (if you see below) a brown paper bag full of different coloured cotton tread. Mostly made in England.

I'd like to give them away, but thought I'd make it a little bit of fun too. So the first person that can guess which is my favourite cuppa coffee will get the bundle popped in the post to them along with a little extra treat.
Good luck ladies and thank you again for all the love and support you are all giving me and the cupcakes household. Everyone of you mean the world. We're no where near to sorting this nightmare but we will sort it together and make good of it.

I'll run this for a week, so back here with the winner next Sunday and also my 2nd year giveaway winners, Molly and Daisy have picked them out. But sorry no time to sort out photos tonight.
Right I'm off for some well earned R & R.
Sweet dreams and hugs,
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Just carrying on with life.
Meet my two star helpers on Saturday, they got up at silly O' clock, came down the town and helped me set up the stall. Then smiled, chatted and got customers interest. The biggest thank you to you both. I love you for looking after me, helping and getting me through.
I was really happy with how the stall looked this time, i think because i didn't rush and having 3 pairs of eyes to look at it, we could see where things needed tweaking. It was very colourful and pink! lol

Thank you Jade you're not just my beautiful daugther, you are my best friend too. And always ready with the biggest hugs. oxo

Saturday was a good day and i did really well. I'm now looking forward to the next fair, which will be 25th July @ Luddesdown Organic Farm please follow the link for details. Hope to see you there.
It's been a tuff few days and i know it's not over yet. But this beautiful man of mine keeps me sane, strong and focused. Love you Ben more than words could ever say.
Miss Molly and Miss Daisy keep going from the first bounce on the bed to the last night night kiss at bedtime. Love you cupcakes. Don't worry Mummy and Daddy will sort out this mess and life will be calm again. (And yes your toys will move with us) LOL
Calm it was not here in Longley Road Kent. The most amazing thunder storm and flash rain coursed this to happen at the end of the road. Our drains just couldn't cope and water rose up past the little lads knees lol he was more than happy to run into it and splash around. Funny because me being a cat in a former life hehe! was up on my paws, keeping well away from it. lol
Thank you Jade you're not just my beautiful daugther, you are my best friend too. And always ready with the biggest hugs. oxo
Saturday was a good day and i did really well. I'm now looking forward to the next fair, which will be 25th July @ Luddesdown Organic Farm please follow the link for details. Hope to see you there.
As soon as it came it was gone and drained away. But wow it was scary, i said to Ben shouldn't we be thinking about moving things upstairs. If it hadn't of stopped raining, then i think we might of had too. A couple of hours after the down pour and the sun was shining and you'd never of known anything had happened, apart from all the leafs, twigs and rubbish in the gutters. Whats going on with the weather?
Fingers crossed the sun shines for a while longer. The cupcake house is having a well earned mini break Booked before the bomb shell last week and needed even more so now. We're just going to forget it all and relax. Coming back fresh and ready for anything.
Thank you again for all your love and support.
Back soon.
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