The streets of Rochester was filled with people dressed up, dancing, singing and selling all sorts of food, crafts and drinks.
Hook a duck yeay! well done girls.
More fun on some cars and then the lady bugs. It was bitterly cold by the time we walked home and our noses where pink. But we all had a fab time, well worth wrapping up warm and walking down the town for. And bless little Granny she'd never been before and really enjoyed it.
So when 2.15 came, we wrapped up and set off up the road to Meadows playgroup. It was very busy and hot. Lots of different stalls with crafts to buy, make and do. Face painting, cake stall and lots of other games.

Granny got stuck in to the unwrap a bottle game lol don't worry we didn't have to carry her home, she saving her bottle of red for boxing day, we're going to make a mulled out of it. Yummy.

Jade won beauty products on the raffle and picked out one of my winning tickets straight after lol yeay! she's my lucky charm lol Thanks sweetie.
We all ate lots of cake, drank mulled wine and had to much sweet stuff (well the cupcakes did lol) a little too sugared up when we got home hehe!
Granny got stuck in to the unwrap a bottle game lol don't worry we didn't have to carry her home, she saving her bottle of red for boxing day, we're going to make a mulled out of it. Yummy.
Jade won beauty products on the raffle and picked out one of my winning tickets straight after lol yeay! she's my lucky charm lol Thanks sweetie.
But all in all it was a good couple of hours fun. I hope they raised lots of money, it's a fabulous little playgroup and real home from home for the cupcakes.
I took them both off to their last day before the Christmas break and their party today at playgroup. No photos on the camera, never know weather it's ok to take them now or not, silly laws! But did get a couple on my phone, so maybe Ben can put them on here sometime.
That big red Santa turned up at the end of their party and gave all the children teddies. Daisy was beside herself with happiness, when he walked in lol very cute. Molly on the other kept her distance, being the shy one of our cupcakes. Giving him only a smile and little wave. These days are ones to treasure and will be kept deep in my heart forever.
Thank you to all the staff at the Meadows playgroup, you've made the being of the Christmas break very special x
All enjoy a lovely weekend and thank you for Ben and i for all the kind well wishes. You are all such a lovely bunch.
Hugs for each and every one of you.
Catherine x
What a FUN time!!! Everyone looks so so happy! :)
Thanks for sharing!!
Happy Happy Holidays!!
xoxo Jenny
Great Idea! Happy Holidays!
sounds like you all had a ball. xx
Just wishing you a wonderful christmas and happy new year and another year of blogging.
P.s thanks for all your lovely comments over the past year.
That sounds like a great day! Lovely to be able to spend it with your girls. Love the sugar and spice mice. Hope you're enjoying the rest of the holidays
Oh......I love sugar mice!
Looks like you had a wonderful day Catherine...Love the picture of little granny.
Wishing you and all the cupcakes in your household a wonderful Christmas and a fabulous 2009.
Lots of love
Jane. xx
Just popping in to say
"Have a happy Christmas day"!
With love from all at the Cottage
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