We've just finished Molly's second week at school and her first week of full time hours, more about that at the end of this post. It's going well, she's loving it.
Thankfully the lovely Claire at Elfie & Me came my rescue with this yummy scented homemade soy lavender candle, thanks honey. It's done the trick and the plug in freshener has cleared the air until the next lot of chutney and pickling making takes place. The lovely Claire is doing a demonstration of candle making at the young woman's WI I've started going to, it's held in Daisy's playgroup hall and yes I must admit I'm a little bit of a Helen Mirren and my good friend Ali is Julie Walters lol we sat and did lots of giggling when told that we could get someone in to talk about their hanker chief collection LOL I think things like candle making, cake testing and wine and coffee drinking is more along the lines of what we'd like to see. And we're all fighting for the buns in front of the bosoms pose in the calender hehe! (i do think i should get to do that pose, after all I am miss cupcakes. wink wink!).
(cute toadstool keyring available on Claire's website Made In Pixieland, shameless plugging for ones friend I know, but hey she'd do the same for me.)
Anyway now it's all done i can get on and work on my own Christmas range, god i said it again lol and if anyone wants Mollycupakes stock be it trade, gift or treat please feel free to email me for price lists or just order though the website because normal service has resumed. I'm very much looking forward to getting stuck in to my next big thing.
Now miss Molly has been at big school for 2 weeks now, just finishing her first full time week this Friday and this is one of the things she's learnt already lol how to use the computer. Yes Mummies one as well. I've never really let her go on it before only to see things I've opened like blogs and to talk to my Mum and Dad on Skype. And now I'm so surprised and proud of how she's able to work it be herself. Getting on to the Cbeebies website and watching trap door and the Muppet's on you tube. Mr Cupcakes is very proud and says like father like daughter, he's a fabulous computer programmer and thinks that she'll be teaching him a thing or two very soon lol
This new time apart from one another has made the cupcakes closer and they've played more when together. Daisy even asks is it time to get Molly yet on her days off of playgroup. I do have to say that straight after this photo was taken they fort like cat and dog lol so things really are just like normal LOL
The house is so quite when they're both away from me, I've found myself talking to the cats more not that they listen. Just give me the odd look every now and then, thinking "whats she going on about now, I'm trying to sleep" lol
Well it's the start of another week tomorrow and I've a few more boxes that need emptying, had a trip to Ikea today and got what i thought would be a fab storage unit for Mollycupcakes stock. But oh bum why does everything in Ikea look so good there and to big when you get it home. Now i have to rethink my whole storage arrangement's again argh! I just wanted white shelves to put my pink boxes on. Silly old me forgot about the flaming step that runs along the inside of the conservatory wall. Now it just looks like a big white thing sticking out in the room, oh sigh! i just want to be sorted in my work space. There is fabulous light for painting but no storage, maybe once I've got all the other crap out of there it will look better.
If any of you know of someone that wants to buy a 100 or so beanie Eeyore's please let me know. (don't ask! lol)
Have a good week.
I am pleased to hear that your little cupcake is enjoying school! x
Those brownies look yummy, lucky Ben!!
Glad school is continuing to go smoothly and that you have finished that HUGE order, well done you xx
Here is crazier than ever with the little two's birthdays and parties (soooooo much cake!)
xxx Steph
Hi Catherine
My you have been busy!. I admire your dedication to painting your bits and peices well done to you.
Those brownies look yummy . I am glad I can only look and not grab them!Iam trying to cut down and lose a few pounds. I havent been that disciplined though!
Take care x Dom
Well done you for finishing your massive order.
I'm waiting for the new scents to arrive for the candle making . . and yes, i did order your favourite- almond so we no longer have to sniff the glue stick to get our fix of almond.
Don't let her near the computer, it's a slippery slope Catherine. Mine started like that with us oohing and aaahhing at how clever they were, now I'm hopping from foot to foot tellling them it's my turn now.
Brownines looked yummy - have they all been eaten?
Can't believe the size of that order. You did well getting it all done.
Lisa x
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