Have a wonderful week and I'll catch up with you very soon.
Many hugs,
Catherine x
Many hugs,
Catherine x
Grannies doing very well and all of us are popping around and taking her out and about, but also giving her time to rest.
Here she is with her best friend in the whole world Rosie. We went round for a visit and as you can see is did Gran the world of good.
I thought with a lighter note and ask you all to leave me your answers to this question. What do you own that makes you smile every time you see it?
My favourite will get a little gift in the post, so come on ladies share all those lovely treasures and make me smile. :)
Many, many hugs.
Catherine x
Enjoy a lovely weekend, rain or shine.
Many hugs
Catherine x
This photo is my favourite even though he's suffering from the illness by now, you wouldn't know anything was wrong with him. He had his whistle round his neck for any emergencies and would blow it just for fun sometimes lol driving my poor Gran crazy as she'd drop what ever she was doing and come racing back in to find him laughing. hehe! "you cheeky old man" she'd say. He'd reply with a "what?" and give me a wink ;) and smile lol
I feel lucky to have had him in my life and am so pleased to have been able to show him Molly and Daisy as well. I'm not sure if he knew they where there but I got a big kiss and he said my name before we left. He always said I was once seen and never forgotten lol
I also thank him for all the wonderful years he spent with my devoted Gran, helping her through the loss of my real Grandad when I was just nearly 4. And being the Grandad to me that I'd just lost, not that he ever tried to replace him. It just felt right to call him Grandad. As I felt he loved me back like a Grand-daughter.
I'll miss you Grandad Doug but will find comfort in knowing your now at peace and not in any pain. And my thoughts now turn to my Gran who's devoted herself to you for years. Caring for you at home and then everyday back and forth to the nursing home. It will be hard to fill the huge hole you've left in her life but with the love and support of us all she'll get through.
Sleep peacefully Grandad, see you again one day. Love you x
Catherine x