Wednesday, 4 March 2009

More tea vicar?

Well this Saturday just gone found the cupcake family here at the beautiful church in Luddlesdown Nr. Cobham Kent. And what a lovely day it was, i think Spring had her hat, for sure.

The birds where singing, sky was blue, flowers out and...

...Molly and Daisy where up to mischief lol yes that's a hand full of snowdrops, Daisy took a shine to them hehe! and who can blame her! they're so pretty.
Knock, knock vicar, can my Mummy and Daddy marry here please? well we're just have to wait and see. But i think i know the answer already. But hey you never know!
This was the view that greeted us after climbing the huge hill on the farmers field. And wow what a view!

That hill doesn't look that bad from here lol but hang on didn't i carry Daisy up most of it? oh yes that's why i was huffing and puffing. Just like Mr Wolf.

And after all that lovely fresh air and exercise, there is just time for cuddles and a little rest. Awww it's fab when they get on. Although I'm sure Molly's leaning a little on Daisy lol because check out her face.

A quick trip into the cute village of West Malling for a noisy around the junk shops and then back home for some "Lets get Daddy time"
Sunday was how all Sunday's should be lots of lazying around in our Pj's, snuggles in bed, coffee and tea's on tap, a home cooked meal (thanks Ben x), some reading of pretty magazines, messing about with the girls and lastly a very fast trip to Blue water for new shoes and measuring jug. Odd things to put together but hey I broke the other one and Daisy's feet have grown lol
Hope you all had a nice time.

I've been meaning to put a photo of Jade's birthday cake on here and just been really crap at doing it. Well here it is, Molly's so keen to eat it, she's trying to get at it through the cake doom lol

Singing happy birthday and lighting 14 candles and blowing them out for 14 wishes x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Tar-DA! one lemon ice-drizzle paisley designed birthday cake. And whoosh it's all gone now lol
Don't forget to click on the cupcake to the right of the blog for the heart swap, there is still 5 days left to join in.
Enjoy the rest of the week.


Thecraftytrundler said...

What a lovely weekend!!! Those pics certainly cheer us all up! Looking forward to the Heart swap!!

Have a lovely week : )

Sharon xx

Mary Poppins said...

My what a special weekend you had and what glorious fun the girls had too :)

One of your daughters shares the same name as mine, many hints on my Blog :)

The cake is Fantastic


Frog in the Field said...

Hello Molly,
I love the name of your Blog!
Photos are great, I'm a big fan of Cupcakes!

Miss sew n sew said...

I have my finger's crossed for you for the church you never no. Looks a stunning place.

Don't forget to look out for Mr Postie their on there way!


Shabby Chick said...

Ahhh lovely pics, and the cake looks gorgeous! I love your daughters' pretty names.

Mel xxx

LissyLou said...

Lovely pictures of your girls. x

The fabric of my life said...

What a busy time you cupcakes have been having lately. Gorgeous photos as usual honey. I'm looking forward to that wedding of yours wherever you get to hold it x

Mary Poppins said...

You got the name in one LOL


saraeden said...

What a cute church got my fingers crossed for you both ... we have chosen a venue finally at last !!
I don't think it will be any surprise that we have gone for Pendennis Castle !!!!

Love the party photo's , we have a birthday next week someone is a big 14 too !!
The wool was in a pink package i will see if i can find any more for you .

Sara x

Phillippa said...

I have given up climbing hills now since my husband nearly killed me by taking me to the lake district, but that one had a lovely view- sunday morning in bed would be nice- if dogs could walk themselves and babies could change their own bums etc.......

Gina said...

Lovely Picures, have to say that I enjoy reading your blog.

Gina XXX