Thank you for the cupcakes sleepover bag, they will use that for the first time after our wedding garden party. They're staying with friends for the very first time and having their own bag will make it more fun. X
As you can see the flower one got a big nibble out of it before i could photo it LOL i wonder who that was? hmmm miss Daisy hehe!
I hope you enjoy yours, they are in the post now. A little later then i wanted just because life runs away here in the Cupcake house and even more so as the moment because of the wedding plans and orders.
Many thanks to everyone joining in the Spring Easter swap, please let me see photo's of what you got.
Have a good weekend.
Oh one more thing, you'll be pleased to know that last Saturday while in Bluewater i found my wedding dress and it came home with me yeay!!!! I'm so excited now i could burst lol
cupcake love x