Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Happy Birthday Mum x

Happy birthday Mummy, for this blog i just wanted to do a post full of some of my favourite photos of you because this is one of the ways i get to see everyday.
I know we could go on the web cam but it always breaks up. So apart from the pictures of you i have in my head these ones are second best to seeing you for real.
With your love and support you've let me grow into the woman i am today and i thank you for that with all my heart. Letting me make my decisions and choosing the path i have in life, which has turned out to be the best thing I've ever done. Standing by me through the crappy times and watching me grow stronger and happier with each step.
Love you very much.
See you soon, sorry it's been so long.
Hugs and birthday wishes for a wonderful day x


Viv Wild said...

What smashing photos - you all look so happy

ps Happy Birthday to your mum

Kissed by an Angel said...

Happy birthday Mum!! Lovely family photos!!!