Just look what my little girl can do and she' only 2 and a half. Drinking from a big girl cup, chocolate milk and no help from us. We are so proud of her. Well done Molly x

Ben saw this gorgeous pirate top in a cute little boutique called Baby Blue, we where looking for something pink and cute for Ben's sisters new baby girl Ava who joined this crazy world last Saturday at a very healthy 8lbs. Congratulations to you both Sam and Paul x
But instead Ben came out with this sweet top for Molly. He couldn't resit it and she does look so cute in it with her other new baby pink dotty headband. I was so happy to find that in a little shop in Whitstable, it was peach and I dyed it pink for her. And only a £5 bargain, we all love those.
I've been wanting this book for ages after that lovely Kim from Ragged Roses reccommended it in one of her posts, so I thought before I buy it I'm going to give it a test run. So thanks to the library for getting it in for me. Home it came on Tuesday after baby bounce and look whats inside...
These yummy pink iced cupcakes, they will be the first recipe for me, anyone want one?
The girls settled back into baby bounce with out their daddy there, I missed him being there another pair of hands and eyes and lap to bounce on was great. And I know he enjoyed seeing his girls singing and dancing. It all went well and Daisy was tuckered out and slept on the walk home. A good sign of a fun time zzzz
So here it is the reason I've been so busy, a huge reorder, all in red ready for Christmas. Now I know after this little lot that I have to make up a load of stock in red argh! Christmas! is anyone else in a whirl and a little over whelmed by the Christmas rush?
I do have a bit more good news, that lovely shop Made in Hastings wants to have some of my stock on a return or sale contract and I'm over the moon yeay! And there is a couple of Christmas fairs on the cards too. So it's paint, paint, paint. Be a mother, partner, cook, cleaner, nurse and generally everything else that comes up too. Just like all of you lovely ladies in the same boat. We can do it! after all it will be worth it in the end.

Cupcake Pegs £3.10
Dotty hearts decorations £3.50
Children's play baking set £6.00
If you'd like any items shown please just email me for details.
I have to say thank you for all the lovely comments I've received on my Brighton post, they all mean a lot to me and if I've not got back to any of you yet, I'm sorry and will catch up soon.
Night night for now. I think I'd better let Ben get on here now, I've been naughty and made him sit and watch What women want on the telly hehe while I hog the computer downstairs.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Hugs Catherine x