We did enjoy a nice birthday treat over their Great Grannies, with a yummy strawberry cream gateau and 2 candles to blow out.

A big birthday kiss from your big sister Molly and even bigger hugs from your bigger sister Jade.
Enjoy a lovely happy day little lady. Open presents, cards and eat lots of birthday cake.
We love you lots and lots our special little girl. x Mummy and Daddy x
Catherine x
The girls are happy eating their reward for finding all the bunnies in the Easter hunt. Yummy chocolate bunnies. Their favourite sort of bunny hehe! Wow! I've said bunny so many times in the post, sorry I must be bunny crazy lol
A great end to a lovely day. On the way home we got a tasty fish and chips dinner and that's when we saw the first of the snow, it just came out of nowhere. And stayed with us until the next day. Thankfully on Saturday we went to Bluewater and was nice warm and dry in there.
A lazy Easter Sunday with lots of tea, coffee, cakes, chocolate and telly. And Monday a quick trip out to Pets at home and Toys R us, then home for a nice roast. Lots more flurries of snow. Came to us but it didn't bother us. How was the weather for all of you? I hope you where safe and warm and had a great Easter break.
Catherine x
Happy Easter to you all.
Enjoy your special time with family and friends, go hunt for bunnies and eggs. Eat chocolate, cakes and hot cross buns. Wash it all down with a tea or 2.
We've been off today looking for the Easter bunny, stroking lambs, goats, chickens and lots of other furry friends. And watching pigs race up and down a very muddy field lol
More about this later, we taped it and photoed the rest. Hope you've all enjoyed your first day of Easter. And had sunshine like us.
Right I'm off to have a creme egg and tea. Yummy!
Catherine x
After watching the dancing on ice final, which I'm totally hooked on. And very sad it's all over. I went and looked up some old Torvill and Dean moments on good old you tube.Wow it brought back memories for me, sitting at my Aunty Eileens down at Dymchurch, drinking tea, eating cakes all cosy in front of their fire. Watching them win gold and screaming and crying with delight. Wanting to be Jane Torvill and skate around with Christopher Dean.
I'm in my 30's now and still enjoy going staking. The little girl in me comes out and I light up on the ice. I must teach my new little ones to skate, if you can do it, it's great fun and fantastic exercise. Jade my oldest likes to go with and cheers when I skate backwards and on one foot. lol (ok now I'm just showing off)
I hope you enjoy this small clip from dancing on ice series 1. It's one of my favourite pieces of music they performed too.
Hugs to everyone.
Catherine x
The detail she has put into this gorgeous door stop is just amazing. Apple tree complete with bird on top and cat waiting below lol
And who wouldn't want to live in a house like this?
There is even a heart on the handle to satisfy their mummies heart obsession lol (the photo of this I've just deleted from this part by mistake) and I don't know how to put it back in here. Silly me!
We gave the door stop it's very first use last night and it looks lovely keeping the girls door from swinging open. And lets in just the right amount of light for our little ones. Who slept tight. zzzz
Look out for more fabulous items from Flossie Teacakes as I hear from a little birdie she's planning a website very soon. Thank you again sweetie, lovely to have found your blog. x
It was very sweet of those of you that left name suggestions for this little lady. And it was hard to choose the right one, but I have and it's a double barrel name so there are 2 winners.
Say hello to: Blossom-Cupcakes. I felt it was just right for this time of year, blossom trees are one of my favourites and well you know me and cupcakes lol I just can't resist them.
So well done to Alison at Vintage Amethyst and Twiggypeasticks. Please email me with your addresses and a little thank you will be flying it's way to you. x And thank you to everyone for joining in. It was fun to read all the different names, Boofie bunny made me laugh out loud because used to sometimes call my old cat Ronnie that. When he came in all wind swept from the garden. lol
http://www.myheritage.com/collage |
http://www.myheritage.com/collage |
I just want to end with a some thank yous. You where all lovely over the whole missed proposal to Ben episode. I will now just have to wait and see if he pulls his finger out and asks me. (please, please, please) lol
I have also been tagged by the lovely Claire at Serendipity Loves New York and also been given Meme by the totally fabulous Tracy at Cupcakes at Home. I will get around to doing them both I promise.
And I have to hang my head in shame as someone very kind awarded me the You make my day but I'm so very bad that I can't remember who it was. Sorry to who ever it was, life has just gone full throttle with orders and I've got all behind with blogging. Please tell who the wonderful person was and I'll send you a little thank you x
Have a good weekend ladies. See you all soon.
Catherine x