Then they both rush to the window to wave at him, before he bikes off down the road.
I think it's so sweet, especially now our little Daisy can say bye and wave too. People round here must think we're mad lol every week day morning the same thing.
But we love it and wouldn't change a thing.

Birthdays, thankyou and fathers day cards to buy. Grandma needs a present from the girls and I must get some more pretty fabrics.
But before we go, I just have time to show you all this cute child's dust pan and brush set, I got painted last night. It will look even more lovely then it's dotted.
My little girls want one already lol Let me know what you think of them.
We had a lovely time at the shops, got beautiful cards from good old Marks and Spencer's. The girls a couple of gorgeous pink and white polka dot summer tops, pretty fabrics from my fav shop Laura Ashley. They have the most beautiful colours, I want to buy it all lol. And I miss working there sometimes, (well for the discount) LOL
Got my dad a great card and keyring, it's a cup, saucer and teaspoon lol he loves his tea!
Time seemed to fly while we where there, so before we came home I treated the girls to a Ben and Jerry's cookies 'n' cream ice-cream cup and I had a skinny mocha from Starbucks yum! I'm being a good mum and still on my calorie control watch. It's been 6 weeks now and I'm back into my size 10's yeay!!!
Ben says I'll be able to hide behind a pencil soon lol Don't want to go that mad lol Just want to get rid of that two babies close together muffin belly LOL (you know the one I mean!) I'll get there.
Well on the way home the girls where fast asleep before I'd even got on the bus, bless! And they slept until I got in. Just in time for dinner and some more play time. This is there little pink castle, their Daddy made it for them, out of an old desk chair box.
They love it lots. Just goes to show that kids always love the box more than the toy lol
The cats had a hard day, as you can see. lol
This is Tomas and Dougal, there be fur flying when one moves and they realise they've been cuddled up like this lol
Have a good evening everyone, see you tomorrow.
x Catherine
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