They all looked so funny hanging there, I just had to take a picture.

Now I just have to get Molly trained too. And then there's only be one lot of nappies to buy.
We must, well Ben must of spent a fortune on them. Mind you we do use the Nature Eco ones, and wipes and nappy bags, so we're very green.
Talking about being green, we're waiting for a small compost bin to be delivered. It's silly but I'm looking forward to being able to put all my food waste and other bits into it. I think sometimes I go a bit Eco mad. Every bit of paper I find has to go in the recycle bin, or I get cross. If I see plastic bottles just dropped I have to pick them up and put them in our blue box. Please tell me I'm not the only one, with this obsession to recycle! lol
It must be rubbing off, because even little Molly and she's only just 2 has started to put paper and plastic in all the right bins. Well done Molly, my little green girl.
I just had to take this picture today. Molly, Daisy and you can just see Thomas the cat in the middle of them. They all snuggled up on the sofa together and had a nap. Oh and Bunny got in there too.
Yeay! the weekends here again. I'm off to watch a school play tomorrow and then some shopping for my favourite things: fabrics and wooden items. Might even get to go to my fav shop in the whole world. Cupcakes.
But I'll have to see how the old man feels about driving over to Hawkhurst, maybe next weekend. I can give him lots of treats before hand. lol ;)
Have a good weekend what ever the weather.
Catherine x
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